He has a great post on his website about a research study by Kantar Media which surveyed 2,500+ shoppers to determine what would motivate them to place an order. "Which of the following would encourage you to place more orders online?"
- 77% Free shipping
- 56% Free returns
- 43% In-store return option
- 41% Ability to use in-store coupons online
- 41% Faster shipping
- 41% In-store pick-up option
Roger writes about "The Power of Free." It's an important read for anyone interested in understanding why consumers buy.
This is Joe talking now----Yes, they buy primarily based on word of mouth recommendations from friends and if you do things right---price. Treat your customer extraordinarily well, and they will love you in return. As Andy Sernovitz would say: You must provide "remarkable" customer service --- that is --- customer service so special people will tell others how great you and your products/service are.
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