Wednesday, July 4, 2012

This IS The Future of Books!

This is a must read for several reasons:

1. This book is the new wave of publishing. You need to experience how books should be written.
2. There is good content in this book.

In Do or Die, Razorfish chairman Clark Kokich shares his prescription for more effective marketing: moving from just saying things to your audience to actually doing things people find entertaining, useful, and relevant and relevance is the key.

Do or Die, is the first full-length business book published as an iPad app.

You can read Do or Die, listen to it, and watch video interviews with industry leaders, while looking into 8 case studies from enlightened marketers such as Nike, Coors, Virgin America, VW and others. When Do or Die references a company's Twitter feed, Facebook page, or website, you can see them live right on the page.

See the demo here.