Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Two Most Important Words in Social Media!


Remarkable Service


Two words that say it all. 

I can't begin to tell you how many conferences I speak at, consulting sessions I have, training workshops I hold, classes I teach, in which people constantly want to know the "keys" (this means magic keys) to social media. 

 No matter how much you listen, no matter how well you use the social media tools, none of it matters unless every touch point in your organization provides "Remarkable Service." That is, customer service so special they will go out of their way to tell others. They may share the story through word of mouth, on Facebook, Tweet, create a video for YouTube, etc.

The first step in every social media plan must be "remarkable customer service." Why? You can be incredibly responsive on social media platforms, but if someone at your organizations treats a customer "average," then that person walks away with nothing  to say about your organization. 

The first step, the weekly check, the monthly check, and the constant check, needs to be "remarkable" customer service. That means the best of anyone in your category or channel, at every single touch point. 

(c) Joseph Barnes,