Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Truth About Online Engagement

Many people talk about online "engagement" yet few take the time to define the term, create a strategy to increase engagement, and create effective methods of measurement.

There are many definitions of online engagement but let's keep this simple and use Facebook as an example. If your customers or potential customers "like" a post or respond with comments or questions, they are engaging with you. They latter is what you want.

It's not about how many followers or the number of people who "Like" your page; it's about the number of people who engage with you, your venue, your service, your products --- your brand.

Engagement means creating community, having a two-way conversation, having a dialogue with your followers. It means they ask you questions, and they share ideas that relate to your brand and other followers.  It's as if everyone is invited over for a big community festival at a park and everyone is sharing with each other. That's engagement.

You can increase engagement by asking for it. If you are a restaurant or grocery store and you post a great recipe for dinner, ask people to send you photos how it tasted and what their version looked like. Ask them to send in and share similar recipes.

You can track engagement month to month, year to date, and that month year to year. The goal is to increase the comments and the engagement.

(c) Joseph Barnes