Saturday, October 13, 2012

Digital Technology Opportunities in Education

I am pleased to share that I will be a guest presenter Friday, October 19th at City University of Seattle in Vancouver, BC. I will be speaking to educators about opportunities and best practices to use digital and social media in K-12 and higher education. 

This is a passion of mine and some of the examples I have to show are amazing. The attendees will see students and teachers from the United States and all over the world not only embracing technology, but using technology and social media in innovative ways. I'll be showing how texting is being used in class, how iPads are enhancing learning outcomes, how students are creating and editing videos to demonstrate their knowledge, how social and digital media are being use to encourage collaboration, and much more.

My sincere thanks to City University of Seattle. By the way, this special presentation is expected to take place in February or March in Seattle. 

For more information about the Albright School of Education, click here.

  • Small class sizes
  • Over 500 students each year choose CityU to start or advance their careers in education
  • More than 20 education degrees, endorsements and certificates
  • Graduates of ASOE programs have been recognized as Outstanding Principal of the Year and Teacher of the Year in Washington