Thursday, November 1, 2012

This is Jack---here's why you should care!

This is Jack and the story of why you should care. He is 6 years old, a member of Gen Z, is fluent in PC and Mac, can shoot movies with a Flip video camera and can edit them on a Mac. Oh, he is also fluent in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. On top of that, he is also fluent in iPad apps, iPhone apps, and Wii. If you ask him to Google something he is happy to do it for you.

Why is this important? Because Jack, and millions of Gen Zers are your next target in the world of marketing and you will need to step up your game to be ahead of this generation.

They can do more than you can. Yes I said that. They are also faster on games and the keyboard. Jack has been on a keyboard since he was born.

They have never known a world without iPhones or wireless. Tablets are the norm. They expect everything to be mobile and on apps. Gamification is the norm. With this generation, you have fun with a brand or die.

Jack has also learned logic along the way. Why? Because he figured out how to use Mac and PC applications by himself, along with Wii games. Jack is a smart kid, but there are millions of other Gen Zers just like Jack.

It's important to observe these kids. You can't read about them and figure out how to market to them--you must watch them and learn.

If you think research comes from books with this generation you are wrong. It takes observational research to understand the behavior of Gen Z. The time to start is now.
(c) Joseph Barnes