Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why We Are NOT Yours!

Dear Marketing Executives, 


We are not a "demographic," we are not a "Psychographic," we are not a category, we are not a "segment," we are not research data, we are not a "characteristic," we are not "revenue," we are not "CLV," we are not numbers in a database, we are not your Excel spreadsheet, we are not a "campaign," we are not a niche, we are not a "cluster," we are not an analysis, we are not multivariate cluster analysis routines, we are not a gross rating point, we are not market share, we are not your computer-assisted questionnaire responses, we are not your solution, we are not a segmentation scheme, we are not your "criteria," we are not your objectives, we are not your "approach," we are not your "Test Market," we are not a "household," we are  not a VAL, we are not your "prospect," we are not as "target," we are not your "upsell," and we certainly are not your "problem."


In reality each of us is a person. Yes, a real human being who would like to be thanked, who would like to be genuinely appreciated, and who would like to be listened to.


Years ago we could tell our family and friends when we received good or bad service; today we can tell hundreds and thousands of people. 


If you think you have the "best staff," everyone says they do.

If you think you provide the "best customer service," everyone says they do.

If you think you have the best prices, many business do.

If you think we actually listen to and watch your commercials, well, of the 5-thousand we are hit with every day, good luck.


But, if you give us your attention and remarkable service at every single touch point,  we will tell others.   

(c) Joseph Barnes