Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's Not the Technology, It's The Customer Stupid!

There is something wrong with smartphones, tablets, the cloud, the excitement over streaming, and all of the new technology we are talking about: 


It is not about the technology --- it is about the customer experience. 


It is about providing a "remarkable experience" at every touch point, before the sale, during the sale, and after the sale. 


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE new technology, from apps, to Google Glass, to tablets, to smartphones, and more, but there comes a time when we ALL need to remind ourselves, none of the technology matters, and none of the social media platforms matter, if we are not delivering a "remarkable experience" at every touch point.




I went to Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System in California. When drove in I was shocked to see "free" valet parking and happy, smiling, valets. Now that's a "remarkable touch point."  [Full disclosure, I do social media for SVMHS].


I needed to exchange a Latte machine at Bed Bath & Beyond. I walked in explained what was wrong, was met with a happy, smiling person who said "no problem" (even though I no longer had the receipt). She told me to get a new one off the shelf, and I walked out in less than one minute. Now that's a "remarkable touch point."


On one of my many family trips to Red Robin with my wife and three young children, one particular server at the Issaquah, WA location has consistently provided "remarkable service." While handling many tables, she always has a great smile, never forgets a request, always over-delivers on what we ask for, and drinks are never empty. No one, at any other of their restaurants even comes close to her service with a smile. Now that's a "remarkable touch point." 


In President Bill Clinton's campaigns they had one simple mantra: It's about the economy, stupid.  


Today: It's about the customer, stupid.


Train everyone on your team to provide a positive "remarkable experience" at every touch point.