Today, whether you are an online business, brick and mortar, education or nonprofit your phrase should be "It's the Relationship Economy---Stupid!"
Everyone throughout your business needs to view customers, clients, patients, donors and/or students as "family." Without each one of them, your business goes nowhere.
Today word of mouth about bad experiences can be shared to hundreds, even thousands of people. One needs to look no farther than the backlash at Bank of America's attempt to start a debit card fee or Verizon's attempt to charge a fee for paying your bill in a certain way. "It's the Relationship Economy---Stupid!"
Whether you like it or not your brand is at stake in every touch point, right down to how people answer the phones at your business.
The only way to build a trusting relationship with your customers is to demonstrate it. Every part of your business needs to be "remarkable." That means, an experience that your customer feels so good about they will tell others----otherwise you are only average. And average isn't good enough.
Want your business to grow? Ask yourself these questions:
- When people in our business answer the phones, is it a "remarkable" customer experience?
- When people go to our website, is it a "remarkable" customer experience?
- When people to to our Facebook page, is it a "remarkable" customer experience?
- When people come into our business, is it a "remarkable" customer experience?
If you answered "no" to any of those questions, create a plan to fix that immediately. Stage a remarkable customer experience. Train the staff to create remarkable experiences.
Remember: "It's the Relationship Economy---Stupid!"
(c) Joe Barnes