Saturday, June 15, 2013

Social Media Tips for Grads!

What's a grad to do?

Use social media! I was just interviewed by John Yeager for his blog, Flip the Media

The topic was, "social media advice for grads."

The key points are:

1. Use social media smartly. Leverage your contacts. Understand that each platform should have a different strategy and approach as you look for work or to network.

2. LinkedIn: This is critical: List accomplishments, not just responsibilities. Recruiters are far more interested, even in the smallest accomplishments, than just of list of "what" you did. 

Were you a senior lifeguard in charge of other lifeguards? Were there no incidents under your leadership than the previous leader? That is an accomplishment. No accomplishment is too small.

3. Be a thought-leader, not a thought-sucker. Share new ideas on LinkedIn, new articles in groups you follow, participate in the group discussions with thoughtful replies and questions back. Anyone can read, can you participate and demonstrate your leadership?