Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here's Why Social & Digital Media Are So Important

People sometimes ask me why social and digital media is so important. Here's why:

  • There are now more social-networking accounts than there are people in the world. (In-Stat).
  • After 23 years, Pepsi dropped TV advertising for last year’s SuperBowl to spend $20-million on a social media campaign. (PEW)
  • There are more than 5 billion photos on Flickr (CNN).
  • 74% of marketers who have been using social media for years, say it helped them close business (2010 Social Media Marketing Report).
  • People spend over 700 billion minutes each month on Facebook (Facebook Statistics).
  • 53% of the Fortune 500 have at least one active Twitter account.
  • Twitter users send an average of 600 tweets per second (Twitter).
  • 28% of U.S. online holiday shoppers are influenced by social media (Marketing Charts).
But remember: It's about creating a two-way dialogue, creating community, and listening and responding to your customers.
(c) Joe Barnes digital3000.net