Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In A Networked Society It's About the Experience!

YOU are the content. YOU are the future. In the networked society YOU have the power.

People are collecting, collaborating and organizing content as astounding rates.  At the Norman Lear Center in Southern California the researchers say we've moved into the:

• The COMMERCIAL economy: When businesses create social media, or when they leverage it for
their profit.

• The GIFT economy: The Gift Economy is built on trust, sharing and barter. Participants in social media develop new content there not only for their own use, but also in order to share, and often to co-create, with friends and strangers. Users often want to find out more about the brands they love,
and to connect with others who feel the same way.

• And the ATTENTION economy: At the Norman Lear Center, they argue that the need to capture, hold and allocate attention is a driving force of daily life.  If you are looking for one English word to describe the capturing and holding of attention, the word is entertainment.

What does all this mean?
At the Norman Lear Center they ask this question: Find out what entertains your audience.

Source: The Business & Culture of Social Media, Norman Lear Center