Friday, May 27, 2011

The NEW CRM Rules!

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is changing rapidly and if your company or organization is in the stone age---that is---just capturing data---you are being left behind.

Today's world is about "Social CRM." It's no longer just gathering data and segmentation/selling to that data.

In today's world you don't sell to a number. You sell to people. And people are social, have expectations, and want to be treated special.

It used to be that "sales" representatives would "handle" customers. In the new age, all employees should be customer-focused. It used to be there would be period customer engagement when they placed an order. Now, as customers interact and talk about your brand, products and services, CRM is about "sustained customer engagement."

And that's the key. The future of CRM is social, not data. It's not about a computer application, it's about people. What do you know about your best customers that can go into that database? In the nonprofit world they put in meaningful personal information about children, family life, events important to a donor. As a for-profit business have you ever thought enough about your customer to do that so you can have a meaningful conversation?

(c) Joseph Barnes DIGITAL3000.NET