Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stop This Horrible Epidemic!

There is an epidemic in this country. No it doesn't involve a virus, but some people have already died from it. The epidemic I am referring to is anti-gay harassment and bullying --- and it's leading to teen suicides.

It's an emotional topic for people, especially those family members who have lost a child. There is nothing worse than losing a child. But the problem is that the cases just keep happening.

In an effort to try and bring new awareness to this issue, PFLAG of Seattle (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders) asked us to create  two PSA's. Now these will never run on conventional television because they are --- well --- too shocking. But I believe that's what people need to see to reality the gravity of what is happening across our country.

And here is the female version: