Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Digital Grandma's Are Coming!

In fact, digital grandma's are already here. They are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, iPads, Smartphones, and they are a force to be reckoned with.

Currently, there are about 70 million grandparents in the U.S.
According to
• 92% are online at least once a day
• 83% research online
• 70% make purchases online
• 67% regularly shop online
• 99% share things from the internet with friends and family
• 97% listed email as their top online activity, but they also use Facebook Skype and Instagram

Right now there are about 32 million moms online using social media for regular communications. These moms are likely to become grandmothers over the next ten years and they are plugged into the digital world, for e-commerce and social media. 

Recently I was at an Apple store nearby. When the store opened for classes, 100% of the class was 55+. Not only are they plugged in, they want to learn more and do more.

Holly Pavlika, president, MOMentumNation, LLC., recently wrote on that she expects:
  • Digital scrapbooking will grow. Today’s moms are more technologically savvy. Retirement will give moms the time to create scrapbooks. Look for a bevy of Pinterest-ing grandmothers. 
  • Gaming: one of the things grandparents like to do is play games with grandchildren. There is no reason a grandparent be geographically challenged when online games allow virtual play any time, anywhere.