Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mobile Predictions For 2016

The Mobile Explosion
MediaPost is out with some key information to help with mobile marketing.

According to a year end Forrester Predictions Brief, as the mobile mindshift speeds up even more in 2016, consumers’ expectations will soar, and more companies will treat mobile as core to the whole customer experience. By the end of 2016, the Forrester report forecasts that 4.8 billion individuals globally will use a mobile phone. Smartphone subscribers will represent 46% of the global population.” 

In 2016, Forrester forecasts mobile and tablet commerce will reach $142 billion in the U.S., representing respectively 38% of online transactions. More than 30% of sales will have a mobile cross channel component, meaning consumers will use mobile at some point throughout the purchase life cycle, from product research to in-store interactions.

These mobile usage, behaviors, and attitudes will develop among consumers and employees:
·        Consumers will stop considering the mobile Internet as a scaled-down subset of the “real” Internet. Mobile devices will become their go-to technology, even in mature economies where people can use alternative devices at home.

·      Consumers will continue to spend most of their time in only a few apps but will increasingly turn to aggregation apps and a handful of platforms to get the content and services they need.