Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Moms Using Online Recommendations When Buying Kid Products!

According to a new study commissioned by Child's Play Communications from The NPD Group Inc., 79% of all moms in the U.S. with children under the age of 18 are active in social media.  Of these moms, about one in four say they have purchased a child's product as a result of a recommendation from a social networking site or blog. 

Based on responses from more than 2,000 active social media moms, it is evident that online recommendations have even more impact among the most frequent social media users: 43% of active social media moms who use these sites on a daily basis have purchased a children's product as the result of a recommendation from these sites.

More than half (55%) of these moms said they made their purchase because of a recommendation from a personal review blog and 40% from a Facebook recommendation.