Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Future is Content

If you read one post today and share it with others, make it this one.

Forget everything you've heard about this tool and that. The future is content. Like they said in President Bill Clinton's campaign about the economy---It's the content, stupid. I don't mean that to take issue with how bright you are, but to keep you focused.

It's about creating content.
It's about capturing content created by your fans.
It's about relevant and interesting stories.

The price of entry is a simple Flip camera and PC or a Mac.

You can even create your channel on YouTube or stream a 24-hour channel. You don't even need cable or satellite.

What's even better, is that TV sets are now being manufactured with the Internet built in, plus Google has Google TV coming on-line.

Mark my word. If you are in marketing, your job is changing. You need to be a great story teller and you need to know how to create content. It IS the future.

Joe Barnes