Friday, April 22, 2011

Social media for social change for social good.

Social media is so much more than marketing, creating communities, listening to customers and having a two-way dialogue. It's also about using the tools and platforms for change---real change---that makes a difference in the world.

Whether you are an individual, an organization, an association, or a company---it's your (our) responsibility to use these tools for social good.

I'm reminded of a story from 2010 in which a social media leader had a real epiphany --- a real "ah ha" moment about social media for social change. As he tells the story here he is pounding out his blog every day with thousands of readers when his wife comes home and says she wants to help a mother and kids after they became homeless because of a domestic violence situation. The writer took the family in and then  tweeted the need for $5,000 to help set the family up in an apartment. 

Was he surprised. By the next day people had sent in $17,000 via Pay Pal --- and he didn't even know most of these people. 

The moral of this story is to do the same thing. Use your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn connections to help others. Social media for social change for social good.
Joe Barnes