Friday, May 6, 2011

The Future of Social and Digital Media

The future is content. 

I've said it before and I will say it again: It's what you with the tools that matter, not the tools themselves. 

The biggest driver will be Facebook. 

What are some of the opportunities for the future?

1. Create your own, relevant and interesting stories on video. We have a generation that has grown up and is growing up in a multimedia experiential world. Capitalize on that. 

2. Mobile is growing fast. Capitalize on reaching and engaging people with their smart phones, iPads and tablets. Create videos, create custom apps, create games that get to the core of what you do.

3. Cause Marketing: True cause marketing is on the upswing...sing social media for social good. People want to see for-profit businesses making a difference---having a purpose. But here's the caution: It should be done with great engagement and on a sustaining way. Teach people how to fish, don't just donate and give them fish.

4. Mobile buying will increase. Are you set up for customers to easily buy from their iPad or smart phone? Now is the time.

Have a strategy and a plan. If you are only "in the game" without a long-term strategy, the wave may pass you by. 

(c) Joseph Barnes