Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Power of "Listening"

Listening is so much more than reading comments by people who post on your blog, forum, Facebook account, etc. You need a well thought out strategy for listening, who will read the comments, who will respond, what the strategic messaging will be, what action you may be able to take, etc. And remember that saying, "Thanks for your comments...." blah blah blah isn't engaging to customers. That's standard marketing speak and customers are tied of it.

A true listening strategy in social/digital media means:
1. A written plan
2. Senior leadership embraces the plan and stops what they are doing to help when necessary
3. When a customer has a question you respond with an answer
4. When a customer has a complain you respond and fix it quickly and apologize publicly
5. You genuinely thank people who post.
6. You take the opportunity, when appropriate, to go deeper into the issue to learn more.