Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sometimes It Takes Spontaneous Guerilla Marketing!

Here's a great story I haven't shared before that created great word of mouth marketing with no cash out of pocket.

When I worked as Vice President of Marketing at Pacific Science Center and flew Southwest back into Seattle I would always carry at least a dozen business cards.The reason? On the back of each card was a free pass into the science center.

While the flight was in progress I would approach one of the flight attendants, introduce myself, tell them about Pacific Science Center and the latest exhibit, and suggest they do a plane-wide contest for the tickets.

It always worked. They were nice enough to always create a great contest for the giveaway, and in the process I sat there in my seat thinking how great it was having 130 people hearing all about what was new at Pacific Science Center. Simply by using some spontaneous guerilla marketing.

(c) Joe Barnes